Saturday, November 5, 2011

Head Start Awareness Week wrap-up

Today's the last day of Head Start Awareness Week. OSEA hopes you enjoyed visiting this blog and that you were able to use the flyer and desktop background in your celebrations. Please let us know if there's anything you would like to see from OSEA during next year's celebrations.

Friday, November 4, 2011

Facts about Head Start in Oregon

According to Oregon Head Start, 11,938 children are enrolled in the state's 42 programs.

Oregon Head Start also estimates more than 5,000 children and families are waiting to enroll in Head Start and Early Head Start.

These statistics point out the important role Head Start plays in the lives of Oregonians.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

A simple logo illustrates Head Start's mission

Have you ever wondered why the Head Start logo looks the way it does? Although it's a simple design, a lot of thought went into what the logo signifies. 

According to National Head Start, the two squares suggest building blocks and represent early childhood. The arrangement of the blocks represent stairs by which this can be accomplished.

The vertical strips represent the child and parent, while the arrow pointing upward represents the direction out of poverty and on to the future.

Finally, the colors red, white and blue represent the United States and the many opportunities it provides for its citizens.

The beauty of Head Start Awareness Week is it gives us all a chance to reflect on Head Start's important mission -- a mission that's encapsulated in such a simple image.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Did you know?

Here's a fun fact: National Head Start began as a summer program through local public schools in 1965. Its initial funding was $96.4 million with 561,000 enrolled children. In more than 40 years, Head Start has grown into a highly successful federal program with more than $6 billion in funding, and it has enrolled more than 27 million children since its inception.

Let's celebrate Head Start and the staff members and administrators who have made it a success!

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

What does Head Start mean to you?

Today is the beginning of Head Start Awareness Week. We thought it would be a good time to ask you what Head Start means to you. We know Head Start helps thousands of Oregon's children get the health care and education they need to make their dreams come true. But we don't know your story. How has this vital state and federal program affected you or other people you know? Please share.